The latest release of PULSE includes new hardware and software as well as updates and enhancement to our existing PULSE Reflex and PULSE LabShop software.

Data acquisition hardware


Bridge Module Lan-XI Type 3057

The LAN-XI bridge module used with PULSE Reflex Measurements software is aimed primarily at dynamic bridge measurements in the aerospace and defence industries. Typical measurement scenarios include gas turbine testing, scale-model wind tunnel testing, and underwater defence applications.

> LAN-XI bridge module

The LAN-XI 200 kHz generator module gives data acquisition and signal generation capabilities up to 204.8 kHz bandwidth. This is useful for aerospace and defence applications such as acoustic scale-model testing, gunshot analysis, near-field underwater measurements, and for microphone and hydrophone calibration systems.

LAN-XI 200 kHz generator module


Noise source identification

PULSE Reflex Acoustic Camera is a complete system for both stationary and non‐stationary measurements. It is a fast and easy-to-use tool, equally suited to noise source identification, troubleshooting and leak detection, as well as buzz, squeak and rattle detection in vehicle cabins. Using an aim, shoot and measure procedure, measurements are visible on-site.

> Reflex acoustic camera

PULSE Acoustic Camera

Flyover Moving Source Beamforming is an option for PULSE Array Acoustics Beamforming, which is one of a suite of systems developed for noise source identification using measurement arrays. Flyover Moving Source Beamforming provides a high‐resolution acoustic map of sound sources using one simple measurement of an aeroplane as it flies over a ground‐based array of microphones, by differentiating sound levels based on the direction from which they originate.

Flyover moving source beamforming (product data)

With Multi-vehicle Pass-by, several vehicles can be tested on the track at the same time. The ground station broadcasts the data and each vehicle picks up the relevant ground station data after each test run and merges them with the in-vehicle data. Data is tagged and synchronized using the GPS sync support built into the LAN-XI C-frame.

Multi-vehicle pass-by (product data)


PULSE Reflex Structural Measurement

Reflex Structural Measurements offers fully integrated measurement, analysis and Test-FEA integration capabilities on one platform. This latest release include geometry-guided measurements to setup and execute hammer and shaker measurements using the geometry as guidance.

> Reflex Structural Measurements
PULSE Reflex Structural Measurements

Outdoor machinery sound power standards

PULSE Sound Power Determination for earth-moving Machinery supports the main earth-moving machinery noise emission standards. The software is configured with the requirements for ISO 6393, 6394, 6395 and 6396, to guide you through measurement set-up, measurement runs and report generation.

Sound Power Determination for Earth-moving Machinery (product data)

PULSE Noise Emission Outdoor Machinery, Directive 2000 supports measurements and reporting necessary to equip outdoor machinery with a CE label. The measurements are made in accordance with the free-field methods described in ISO 3744 and 3746.

Noise Emission Outdoor Machinery, Directive 2000t (product data)

type 7885

Analysis software

PULSE Reflex Core continues to grow and mature its process-chain capabilities. There are four new process chain elements: correlation (for auto/cross-correlation analysis), FFT System vs. Time (for examining non-stationary system behaviour), FFT System vs. RPM, and Peak Finder (for locating significant peaks or valleys in processed data).

> PULSE Reflex Core


Telephone test standards

The Reflex Telephone Test software has been converted to 64-bit. The Japanese VOIP CES-Q003-2 standard and Chinese CDMA YDT-1538 standard for handset have been added. Aditionally, test specifications based on China Mobile requirements for handset have been added.

> Telephone test